srijeda, 16. travnja 2008.

Food Service Management

Effective food service management places customer satisfaction as a top priority. Each of the members of the management team has a task to perform. Any flaws in carrying tasks result in a domino effect that will automatically put the food service institution in hot water.
In every restaurant, fast food outlet, cafeteria, and any other type of institution that offers food service, there is a management team. This team is basically comprised of the general manager, an assistant to the manager and the executive chef.
Responsibilities of the Management Team
The general manager is responsible for monitoring the overall flow of the operation. The manager looks at every minute detail concerning the food service rendered, the employees’ performance, as well as the financial aspects of the business.
The assistant manager is tasked to go over everything from the kitchen, dining, utility and security operations. The assistant manager reports the progress of the operation to the general manager.
The executive chef handles all food preparation actions. This involves the operations in the kitchen, planning of the daily menus and the maintenance of effective food service management.
Qualities of a Good Food Service Manager
A food service manager is punctual and is the first to arrive and the last one to leave.
A food service manager must be able do handle multi-tasking activities. The manager sees to it that every thing is in order from the kitchen, the banquet area, up to the food, utensils and linen supplies and assists the executive chef in planning out menus.
A food service manager has to communicate effectively and handle clients and operational negotiations. It is a must that a manager is endowed with diverse communication skills in dealing with customers, as well as the employees.
A manager has to be firm and just with decisions. Managers confer with applicants, hire and train employees and when needed, fire them.
Apart from the traditional duties heaped upon a food service manager, keeping of records, tallying cash and administering promotional advertisements for the restaurant are additional duties.
The food service industry is escalating in popularity. Many individuals dine out. Be it a fine-dining experience, fast food or banquet services, customers demand good food, service and prices.
Service Management provides detailed information on Food Service Management, Service Management, IT Service Management, Service Management Software and more. Service Management is affiliated with Project Management Training.

Cat Food - Natural Is Always Best!

Here are 6 tips to finding the best natural cat food:
1. Always read your labels! Everything you need to know is on the label. Look past the colors and cute pictures and take a closer look at what's inside the bag or can. It will let you know whether you have a good quality cat food or not. A good quality natural cat food should have chicken, turkey, liver or catfish meal in the first ingredients. These are very easy for a cat to digest.
2.Stay away from a cat food that has corn, glutens, wheat, dairy or soy in it. These are very difficult for a cat to digest. They have also been found to be common food allergens in cats.
3. What kind of protein is in the food? Is it animal or vegetable protein? A high quality cat food will always have more animal protein.
4. Stay away from any cat food that has chemical preservatives in it especially BHA, BHT and ethoxoquin.
5. Find a natural cat food that has natural bacteria cultures in it. These are the same kind of cultures that are in yogurt. These "good bacteria" help cats with their digestion and keep them healthy. They will help to give your cat a healthy GI tract and in turn more nutrients will be absorbed.
6.A good natural cat food will have NO by-products! By-products are the left over protein from meats and include things like beaks, intestines., chicken feet......yuk! These are definitely not healthy for your cat. Unfortunately, many commercial cat foods add by products to their food. They can be very difficult to digest.
Did you know that cats fed a high quality natural cat food live on average 5 or more years longer than cats fed lesser-quality food?
Get a free, natural cat food sample when you visit

Weight Loss Tip to Help You Waste The Food Your Body Does Not Need

How difficult is it for you to leave food on your plate when you are full? Are you like many dieters who eat every scrap, especially when it is something you usually restrict from your diet?
If you are anything like me, leaving food on your plate can be a struggle if not impossible. All those old childhood messages about not leaving food so readily kick into action. A mixture of guilt at leaving food followed by guilt at eating too much are the conflicting feelings we struggle with.
So, it was a revelation when someone asked me to consider the act of celebrating throwing away and wasting food. The thought confused me for a minute or two as I tried to understand the concept. Previously, I had managed to leave food on my plate, throwing it away by considering it better for me not to overeat. However, that didn't help me overcome the guilt at the waste I had created.
Celebrating wasting food just did not 'compute' with me until this person explained its rationale. Given that the earth is our sustaining factor - the land, the sea and its influence on the weather and the food we eat - we are all aware these days of how it needs our great care and attention. From the land to the climate and weather systems, much of our food is dependant on rain and a fertile soil.
Whatever food we eat eventually goes back to the land in one form or another. This is the normal cycle of all living creatures. So our waste products are given back to the land and aid the replenishment of more food. When we recycle our food waste by composting, we are giving back to the land the nutrients for it to sustain our food supply further.
How wonderful is that? I can certainly see why wasting food should be celebrated as we gift it back to the land without the need to eat too much of it and 'waste' it on our hips!
Chrissie Webber is a published author and weight management motivation coach. Through her online company she offers support, motivation and re-parenting to the 95% - 97% of dieters who are still struggling to find the weight they were born to be. Her web site and blog offer motivation 'Keys' that help children, parents and adults discover a life without guilt, shame and self-loathing. To learn/relearn the skills of 'Conscious Eating' and how to live in harmony with food and nature become an online member today:

Food Commodities

Food commodities are traded to international markets across continents and distributed to reach remote places also. The food commodities are ranked based on availability productivity, and demands of the increasing population. Non-processed food items such as whole grains, pulses, spices, cashews, frozen foods, fruits, vegetables, milk, eggs and many more are food commodities that are traded to native or internal markets and international markets. Processed food commodities include edible oils, butter, cheese, cedars, fruit juices, sauces and all types of flours. The food industry is a multi-billion dollar business and the world's largest industry.
Handling food commodities includes many important factors that cannot be ignored such as storage, shelf life and temperature conditions. Storage space requirements should be given careful attention, as the amount of space necessary in a warehouse depends upon the total volume of food stored and on the number of different commodities. Separate stacks require more usable volume than one large stack; hence, each commodity should be stacked separately. Shelf life refers to the average amount of time a product may be stored without nutritional deterioration. A food commodity can deteriorate for several reasons such as aging, microbiological decay, chemical and physical degradation and texture changes. Deterioration of food commodities can be reduced or slowed by careful processing, packaging, handling and storing. Universal guidelines for controlling temperature and humidity conditions to suit the various food commodities are impossible, because these conditions and the operating environment vary from place to place. However, some basic instructions can be followed such as keeping all food commodities in dry conditions, storing wet and dry foods separately, cross-ventilation in the warehouse, sunroofs and covering food commodities during transportation.
Besides food commodities being a profitable trading business, large quantities of food items are donated through food distribution programs as relief measures. The commodities required food programs use inexpensive food staples to provide basic nourishment to populations in extreme food security emergencies, as well as for development activities designed to address food security goals.
Commodities provides detailed information on Commodities, Commodity Future, Commodity Brokers, Commodity Trading and more. Commodities is affiliated with Savings Bonds.

Fast Food No Nos

Ok, let’s face it; we all eat fast food at one time or another during the month. Some more than others, but most everyone eats fast food at least once a month. If you don’t eat fast food it has to be a full blown boycott on it, because the fast food companies make it so convenient to eat. It seems like everywhere we go fast food chains are offering fresh, hot, tasty food for the price of a few dollars, or less. It is not easy to stay slim eating fast food unless you have a movie star metabolism, however it is possible to limit the damage the food does to you by making smart selections when you choose to indulge your hunger with fast food.
One great way to make smart choices on where to eat, and what to get, is to do a little homework. You don’t need to be a nutritionist to discover that one fast food chain has double the sodium in their French fries then the competition's French fry sodium levels. Just doing research like this can literally cut your sodium intake in half for the day. You can take the sodium example, and apply it to calories, cholesterol, and any other ingredient that you prefer. Most fast food chains offer nutritional charts on their websites that will help guide you to this pertinent information.
If time does not allot for a sit down with the nutritional menu at your favorite fast food restaurant, then go with this general rule of thumb: less is more. If you have less food at a fast food restaurant, you will have more health benefits for it. If you eat larger quantities of food you will definitely be worse off then if you’d just had half of what you ordered.
Using your mind, and activating some deep down restraint will help you intake less toxic food, and stay healthy so you can live for a long time to come.

What To Do When You Have a Food Allergy Problem

"All food is good." But all food may not be good for all people.
Obviously, we need food everyday to give our bodies the nutrients it requires for us to function properly.
Unfortunately, sometimes food can make us ill; not because of food poisoning but as mentioned above not all people can eat all food.
There are cases where people are allergic to certain kinds of food. In order to properly manage it, you must be aware of the food that causes an allergic reaction. In other words, avoid food that contains certain kinds of allergens that causes your body to react.
Manage Your Diet
It is of utmost importance to watch what you eat if you are allergic to certain kinds of food. An allergy attack is no pleasant experience and could require hospitalization. For example, some allergic reactions can cause swelling in the air passages restricting oxygen that may result in suffocation.
Common Allergy Foods
So what are some foods that commonly result in allergies that the body could react to. Fish, peanuts, shellfish, milk, wheat and soy are among the most common. However, you may find that all of these give you no problem. So you must find out which one(s) do bring on an allergic reaction.
Check with your doctor or allergist if you feel you have an unknown food allergy. Physicians can give you a series of tests that will identify the food that may be giving you problems.
How to Avoid Allergic Reactions
Obviously, avoid the food that is causing allergic reactions once it has been properly identified. This simply means that you should never eat food that you are allergic to and never cook food with an ingredient that contains the food allergens.
When Dining Out
If you are out dining in a restaurant, you should inform the waiter or waitress about your food allergy. Make sure that they know which food allergen you have; Inform them not to include it or cook it with your food order.
These are some of the common food allergens that you should know about in order to properly manage and minimize the risk of future allergy attacks.
If you apply all these tips, then avoiding a food allergy will seem like a breeze.
Larry Taylor can "Put Healthy Nutrition SECRETS Into Your Life". Get FREE Insider Access to his opt-in list, where private blog and members only forum to learn how to live healthy, fulfilling lives and feel like you should. For a new turn if not a 'u-turn' to good health visit:

Eczema Cures - Change the Way You Chew for Fabulous Skin

Most of the eczema cures I have come across are based on using some kind of cream or ointment. I have never found one that works.
But what has worked for me is changing the foods that I eat and being aware of how I chew.
By chewing your foods thoroughly you can dramatically improve the quality and quantity of the nutrients you absorb. Chew every morsel of your food between 30 and 40 times.
When you take a bite of food especially carbohydrates the food begins to digest when the ptyalin in your saliva begins to break it down.
Food that has not been chewed properly is not broken down and is very difficult to digest. If food arrives in your intestine insufficiently chewed it will begin to ferment.
Fermentation creates waste and toxin which overwhelms the body. An overwhelmed system is one of the reasons people suffer with eczema and allergies.
Fermentation also produces excess gas and bloating. This in turn leads to feeling sluggish, discomfort, irritable and moody.
Other benefits of chewing your food thoroughly include:
Tip #1
Chewing your food thoroughly will create a more alkaline condition within your body. All healthy people have an internal system which is alkaline rather than acidic. When you chew your food your saliva breaks down your food and the longer you take to chew the more alkaline your food becomes.
Tip #2
Chewing your food thoroughly creates a stronger immune system. When chewing your foods a hormone called parotin is released and parotin is responsible for protecting and strengthening your immunity.
Tip #3
Chewing your food thoroughly improves elimination. When your food is digested sufficiently the right balance of water, enzymes and other substances creates stools that are easy to expel from our body.
If you want to learn how you can start healing your eczema today go to:
Discover the 8 steps to transform your skin with raw foods at:

Food Allergies - Some Helpful Advice

Millions of people suffer from food allergies. Some don't even know it! A food allergy is a basic reaction that the body takes to being introduced to food that it cannot or will not digest. When the body is introduced to this foreign food, it reacts adversely because the foreign food breaks down and gets into the bloodstream. When the body rejects the nutrients or other components from the food, the body has a tendency to fight back with antibodies and other elements. Afterwards, the body shows symptoms of the allergy.
Common food allergy symptoms include the closing of the throat and larynx, burning in the lungs where the tissue lining is thin, swollen and itchy eyes and swollen hands. The face may also become red and breathing can be belabored. When people first suffer from a food allergy, they do not always know how to identify the allergy and often become alarmed. It is good to be alarmed because many food allergies are actually very lethal for some people.
If you or someone you know suffers from a food allergy, it is important to make sure that medication is always on hand. If you suffer from a very severe allergy, then you know that at times, it can seem as if there is nothing that you can eat. Even many types of candy are processed or manufactured in plants that process peanuts and other potential allergens.
Food allergy sufferers should know how to monitor their food intake. If the food intake is not regulated, then the sufferer may even have a fatal food allergy attack. Shots of steroids can immediately counteract any food allergy and boost the body's response, so many extreme sufferers may be encouraged to carry a steroid injection kit with them at all times. You may also want to take regular allergy shots. Often, allergy pills do not help against food allergies, but they can go a long way to protect you from other airborne allergies that you are likely to be susceptible to.
About the Author
Tamra Cantar is a freelance writer on topics of interest. To visit her blog on language development tips and ideas please visit To visit her aromatherapy blog, visit

Food Intolerance Testing

It’s an unfortunate fact of food intolerance that the ‘culprit’ food or foods will frequently be a particular favourite! However, because of the unpleasant symptoms that food intolerance can produce, it is unfortunately normally necessary to eliminate problem food altogether once it has been identified.
Food intolerance is when certain foods make a person feel unwell when they are ingested. The symptoms of food intolerance can vary widely from one individual to another in terms of severity and actual reactions.
Food intolerance symptoms can range from slight bloating to more serious problems like migraines and irritable bowel syndrome. The trouble is that it is not always obvious which foods are making a person feel unwell.
Food intolerance testing is a cheap and easy way to find out which foods you are sensitive to. Food intolerance tests can be bought online or from your GP. The most popular food intolerance tests are simple skin prick tests.
Once you have carried out a test and discovered if you have food intolerance and if so what is causing the trouble, the next step is to eliminate the food from your diet.
As a practitioner, I am frequently asked ‘When can I eat my favourite food again?’ In the case of foods which provoke an immediate allergic response, generally, these foods will have to be excluded permanently. Food intolerance is a little different.
After excluding the reactive foods for a period of one to three months, the foods can be reintroduced and response carefully monitored. In a clinical trial involving a group of people with food intolerances, 72% of the group found that their symptoms returned when they reintroduced the reactive foods into their diet.
The remaining 28% were able to resume their previous diet without any negative effects. Professional nutritional support and advice is recommended for anyone planning to either exclude certain key foods from their diet or reintroduce foods which have not been eaten for a while.

Diet - Nutrition - Organic Food

In the US, demand for organic food is outstripping the current supply. America’s appetite for organic food is keeping the supply low. The demand is definitely outpacing the supply. Clif Bar went to Spain for organic almonds.
Food must be grown without bug killers, fertilizers, hormones, antibiotics or biotechnology to be categorized as organic. While the organic market is only 2.5 percent currently of the nations food market, the growth is expanding at a very fast pace. Each year the actual growth has been fifteen to twenty one percent. Total food sales have increased two to four percent during this period of time.
Supermarkets in the US are watching this success and rushing out to meet the demand. The Kroger Co, Safeway Inc., and Supervalu Inc., Albertson’s LLC, are selling their own organic brands. Wal-mart stated it would double its organic offerings this year.
Organic Manufacturers are looking outside of the United States for organic ingredients. Europe, Bolivia, Venezuela and South Africa are outpacing the supply grown in the United States. According to The Agriculture Department’s National Organic Program, the United States is importing far more than it exports in the organic food category.
How to fill the gap between supply and demand is a long debate within our booming organic industry. Organic food is a way to improve out food supply, the environment, and help small farmers in their business.
Organic food is a healthy way to eat. Do your due diligence to determine how you chose to eat.

What Dog Food Company Will You Trust?

I don't know about you, but I want to make sure that I'm taking as good care of my dog as I possibly can. This would include doing everything for making sure that they get adequate exercise and have a warm place to sleep to make sure that the dog food company I choose to feed my dog is giving them good food. The real problem is that, most of the time, and eat dog food company is not interested in the health of your dog. What they are more interested in is the bottom line, how much money they are making for themselves and for their investors. Many of the dog food companies will feed your dog things that you would never consider putting in front of them. So when you are looking for a dog food company to take care of your dog make sure that you are digging deep enough to find out what the facts really are.
Did you realize that a dog food company can mark a bag of dog food as chemical free when they actually contain chemicals? The regulations that govern what goes on a bag of dog food is different than those that regulate what goes on food for human consumption. As long as of dog food company does not add any chemicals to the byproduct once it enters the factory for rendering into dog food they can't legally labeled as being chemical free, even if the byproduct was full of chemicals and hormones when it entered factory. They can also legally put things into dog food such as the carcasses of euthanize dogs and cats from the pound which are often thrown into the next still inside their bags and sometimes still wearing collars and tags. So the next time you are looking for a dog food company, or facts about dog food, make sure you are looking further than what the dog food company is telling you.
The dog food and dog care industries are out to get your money, not to help your dog live a healthy life. By making simple changes to the way you feed your pet you could help them to live a much healthier and longer life. Download our Special Report at
Dog Food is Killing Your Dog an Online Special Report, Now Available to Download.

Feeding Your Tropical Fish

Like other animals, in order to survive, tropical fish need the right food in the right quantity. Fish tend to be healthier in their natural habitat where they can hunt food for themselves whenever they require it.
In an aquarium environment, obviously some compromises are necessary. However, it is essential that tropical fish are fed something that they can recognize as food even if they are not accustomed to it. For this reason, the fish food is chemically constructed to stimulate the food receptors of tropical fish.
Some fish know that it is feeding time by the sound of the disturbance caused by scattering food in the water, whereas other fish will prefer to find the food in the tank in their own time. You will therefore need to find the best way to provide food so that your tropical fish are receptive to it.
You also need to know how much food to give your fish and how often you must feed them. You should feed your tropical fish daily, but only give them enough food to fill them as overfeeding can kill your tropical fish.
When you first get your fish, they may not be ease in their new environment. It will aid in the survival of your fish, if you can calm them and put them at ease in their new surroundings, because only then will they begin eating. Algae and rooted plants that are found in the fishes' natural habitat, will provide your fish with an environment that looks as they expect it, and thus helps achieve this end.
First published at
More pet articles and information at

How To Make Safe & Healthy Food For Your Dog

Are you like me and afraid to feed your dog ANY commercial dog food? How can we trust the dog food industry now? How do we know if any of the dog food on shelves in the stores is safe?
I've been feeding my dog, Puddles, those small cans of chicken and small can of sausages. I've also been feeding her bologna and hot dogs.
Frankly, this is getting too expensive for me. Puddles is a big dog with a big appetite! I've been searching the internet for information on how to make my own dog food, and I found a great source! His name is John Miller, and you can immediately download tons of healthy recipes. I am so relieved I found this! Have you been reading the labels on all the dog food bags in the stores to check for wheat gluten like I've been doing? What about just wheat? Wheat is in many of the dog foods.
Are you thinking that the dog food industry is maybe not telling us everything? I don't want to give my dog any food that has any kind of wheat in it at all! That's why I wanted to find recipes to make homemade food for Puddles, so I can feel good about what she's eating and I know she's safe and healthy. I know it's takes a little more time and effort to make your own dog food, but I feel like my dog, Puddles, is worth it. Isn't yours?
Go to: to find out how you can download tons of healthy, safe food for your beloved dog!

A New Choice For Animals - Organic Pet Food

With all the attention we give to ensuring we are eating the proper diet, it’s no wonder that this consideration has extended to our furry friends. Organic food – once thought of only as a human commodity that vastly benefits our overall health and the environment to boot – has now been made available for our pets. Also not surprising, is the growing popularity of organic pet food as conscientious owners look for ways to invigorate the health of their pets and extend their life span.
Organic food – grown and produced without the use of chemicals, hormones, and pesticides – is vastly healthier for the human body. While these substances continue to be used without reservation in traditional food production, it is unstudied and unclear as to the long term effects of chemicals on our health and longevity. For these reasons, and the positive impact that organically grown food can have on the environment, more and more people are making the switch to organic food. Just as organic food benefits humans, its advantages extend to animals as well, through the use of organic pet food.
Research has suggested that a switch to organic pet food greatly reduces the possibility of illness and disease. Pets that are fed organic pet food are healthier overall with a healthier coat and teeth, improved energy, and increased longevity. Organic pet food comes in meat based or vegetarian varieties and is not much more expensive than traditional pet food.
For those looking for organic pet food, they can find a growing selection available at many pet supply stores and large retail chains. As the popularity of organic pet food continues to grow, consumers will soon see a larger and larger assortment of products as the benefits become clear to pet owners everywhere.
For those who have limited access to organic pet food in specialty pet food stores and retail outlets, the Internet can be a terrific resource for such items. Additionally, organic pet food that is ordered in this manner can be shipped directly to your door.

Food Waste Disposers - Environmental Benefits

Many people are of the belief that food waste disposers are bad for the environment; when in fact this could not be further from the truth. Food waste disposers are great for the environment, and are a great way to start a compost pile for people who otherwise wouldn’t have the time or space to do so. This article aims to provide you with up to date information regarding the benefits of using a food waste disposer. In addition to reducing household waste, a food waste disposer can reduce the amount of waste that goes as land-fill. Waste has become a major global issue and legally binding limits have been established for some countries on the amount of food waste that can be used as land-fill. A food waste disposer can reduce the volume of waste going as land-fill dramatically, by up to 50%. Life-cycle studies have identified major cost benefits from using the food waste disposer rather than land-fill methods alone. Ground food waste channeled to a waste water treatment plant can create valuable fertilizer and generate energy by capturing methane gas.
Food waste disposers complement the compost pile. Composting is an environmentally-friendly way to use the space in yards to slowly break-down organic matter such as food waste. Composting with food waste is not an option for many people who have neither the necessary space nor the time to tend to a compost pile. Additionally, protein food waste such as meat, fish, dairy products and many cooked foods should not be put on a compost pile. The decay process is different from that of green waste and can produce harmful pathogens, noxious smells and be an obvious attractant for rodents and insects.
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Why is Food Intolerance Testing in the UK Becoming so Popular

In the UK, public interest in food intolerance testing is increasing significantly. This could be due to factors such as media interest and celebrity endorsements. In addition, food intolerance testing is becoming an important issue as modern lifestyles and the typical British diet appears to be resulting in an increase in digestive disorders.
What is Food Intolerance
Food intolerance is a negative physical reaction to certain foods or ingredients that takes place whenever the problem food is consumed. Reactions are particularly severe when larger amounts are eaten.
Symptoms of food intolerance can include skin problems, fatigue, headaches and joint pain as well as digestive problems.
Food Intolerance Testing
There are various food intolerance testing methods available. Some require an electronic stylus to be placed on the side of a finger in order to gauge energy responses to particular food substances. The information is then passed through to a monitor from which the practitioner can obtain a reading and measure reaction. Practitioners of Kinesiology measure food intolerance by testing muscle strength, as the patient is exposed to various foods.
The only clinically and scientifically proven testing for food intolerances involves screening a pin prick sample of blood for IgG antibodies which react to foods which cause a reaction. This small sample can provide a lot of information, from whether food intolerance is an issue or not, right through to detailed results about the reactive foods themselves.
Food intolerance differs from Food Allergy. An allergy is usually an immediate and often severe reaction which may require urgent medical treatment. An intolerance can also produce unpleasant symptoms, but over a slightly longer period, from a few hours to a few days. This means that the culprit food or foods is harder to identify.
Identifying problem foods via food intolerance testing can provide an opportunity to potentially relieve troublesome symptoms and improve quality of life. In order to maximise the benefit of this information, care and attention should also be given to general health and lifestyle issues.

Raw Food Diet For Beginners

If you're looking to lose weight and live a healthier life that you might want to adopt a raw food diet. In this article I am going to talk about raw food diet for beginners and how it is beneficial for you.
So what is raw food diet in the first place?
It is basically eating as much raw food as you can while avoiding cooked food.
You see, when you cook your food most of the nutrients and proteins die off. In every food this thing called enzymes. They are like proteins. In fact, they are proteins but they act as a protein catalyst To keep your body healthy.
And like every living thing proteins need to be constantly replace when eaten food, you replace the dead enzymes, but you won't get enough of that if you cook the food.
Think of Japan. They have the biggest population of old people. Why is that you can't eat healthy and most of the diet is raw. Think of the diet which consists of rice, raw vegetable, fish and fruits.
In fact there was a scientific experiment when they had cats eat raw food and cats eating cooked food. The cats eating raw food were healthier and more happier, while the cats eating cooked food developed abnormalities in the bones, chronic skin problems and allergies.
So I suggest today, you start eating raw vegetables, fruits and nuts.
One of the best investment you can make in life is a fruit blender. You can then blend all your favorite fruit juice at home. (note: most fruit juice at the store is nothing more than starch and sugar so avoid that)
I hope this article motivates you to adapt a raw food diet. Not all you die should be raw, but try To the raw once in a while. You just might like it.
To get recipes of raw food diet for beginners, check out my website.
Amanda Wright is a Dietician and works in Toronto. For diet tips, visit Amanda's website to get your FREE Weight Loss with Amanda e-newsletter. You can get the e-newsletter at and it won't cost you a penny.

Healthy Diet On Rainy Season

During rainy season we heard about the common disease like loose motion, indigestion, vomiting etc. It’s all about the weak digestive fire that we have during rainy season. The humidity increase during the season and use of acidic, oily and salty food reduces digestive fire.
In this season some people feel breathless as humidity increase the body temperature that make feel restlessness. The vata accumulated in body during summer season, aggravates in the rainy season. The rainy season can be divided into two parts: the beginning and the ending season.
In the beginning period of rainy season we should eat light and easily digestive food. The food should be chew properly so that it can digest easily.
The milk is the better diet in this season. We should eat food that does not increase kapha and pitta. Oily food should be taken in less quantity.
Eat whole kidney beans, fresh curd, kheer, bottle guard, fenugreek etc. Do not eat forcibly and drink lot of water and fresh juice.Take honey with food to reduce vata.
Drink butter milk as it improve digestion.
The ending rainy season is very humid and irritating. It is better to take food that reduce pitta in body. Do not eat sour, fried, very hot and spicy food. Drink lemon juice and sugar before eating food to improve digestion and energize the body. It prevents constipation and strengthen brain.
Cucumber is very good for health during this season as it contains phosphorous and iron elements. Drink boiled water, cover all the food items and do not eat stale food.
Indian recipe, bengali recipe
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For more detail of Vata, pitta and Kupha

Humans Must Monitor Contaminated Dog Food

There no worse feeling in the world for a pet owner to find out their faithful companion is suffering because they were fed contaminated dog food. Since animals cannot shop for themselves or make decisions concerning their health, they have to count on their owners to always have their best interests at heart and when it comes to the food it eats, feeding the dog contaminated dog food may be accidental, but the effects will be the same.
It is never recommended to feed the family pet table scraps due to the many items that are safe for humans but potentially deadly to canines, and sometimes pet foods may inadvertently contain products that may be fit for human consumption but have the potential to cause illness in a dog. Additionally, if only one of the ingredients in dog food is tainted, the entire meal of contaminated dog food is affected.
Recently, tainted wheat products used in pet food was found to have caused serious, and in some cases fatal, illnesses in dogs and cats and the entire inventory of contaminated dog food was removed from the market. However, it was not until many deaths and illnesses were discovered that the product was removed. Unfortunately, the affected animals could not tell their owners what they were feeling and by the time it was realized there was a food problem, it was too late.
Food Chain Often Broken With Contamination
Many different meats and grains go into the making of dog food and at any point on the food chain something can sneak in and cause the production of contaminated dog food. Beef, chicken and other meat products are typically raised independently of pet food manufacturers, and the dog food companies must rely on inspections of the facilities to insure the ingredients are only fed healthy foods.

Understanding Food Allergy Treatment

If you have suffered from symptoms of a food allergy after eating, (swelling in and around the mouth, vomiting, runny nose), the most important questions on your mind are likely to be 'what is wrong?' and 'how can this be treated?'.
Well treatment for food allergies (such as an allergic reaction to peanuts or shellfish) is usually administered immediately, as an allergic reaction to food can happen so suddenly, typically within an hour after eating the food item.
Treating Food Allergies:
Other than avoiding the food item, there are two forms of treatment administered according to the severity of your reaction.
This is a treatment given to people whose reaction tends to be mild, such as a runny nose, or a rash developing. Antihistamines are dispensed to you by your doctor or GP.
The other treatment available for food allergies is usually only reserved for the most severe of cases.
Those people at risk of anaphylaxis need to take much more precautions. Anaphylaxis is a more severe reaction, whereby the whole body goes into anaphylactic shock requires that you carry and use a pre-loaded adrenaline syringe. But anaphylaxis is a rare but potentially fatal allergic reaction.
Are you really food allergic? Or simply food intolerant?
If you have not been diagnosed with a food allergy, please do not take a mild reaction to food to be much worse than it may be. Even though an estimated 25% of adults believe that they have a food allergy, less than 2% of adults do (this number increases to approximately 6-7% amongst children, however some children eventually outgrow their allergy).
A reaction to a food item could simply mean that you have what is known as food intolerance, which is where you have had an undesirable reaction to a food, but not a severe one.
Remember, always consult your doctor if you are worried for yourself or for a family member.
About The Author
Allen Matthews is the main editor for, and is one of many peanut allergic people in the world today.

Shopping For Gourmet Steaks With Omaha Steaks Coupons

The internet has become a vast marketplace where users can find almost anything. Things from the offline world are slowly creeping their way online and two of those things are omaha steaks and gourmet food. Gourmet food is a high quality food prepared to the highest standards by gourmet chefs. Gourmet food is normally associated with the premium food served at the top restaurants. People who are passionate about what they eat enjoy gourmet food because of the difference in taste from normal food.
Omaha Steaks, an established gourmet food manufacturer since 1917, recognized this and began to build their own online store which specialized in gourmet steaks and other gourmet food. Their online store is one of many in the established gourmet food marketplace.
Many people are turning to online gourmet steaks companies such as omaha steaks because of of competitive pricing, quick home delivery and the ability to compare multiple items at the same time. Gourmet food products at omaha steaks were up to 64% cheaper than anywhere else on the internet because of their established manufacturing capabilities and dominant position in the marketplace.
Another added advantage of online gourmet food shopping is that there are many special offers and coupons available to give more savings on items and delivery costs. For example, the omaha steaks coupon allows first-time customers to receive a 6 piece cutlery set and chopping board worth over $100 for free with their first orders. Further to this, their current special gourmet food offer is the "Cookout Sampler" which gives you a chance to sample their most popular gourmet steaks at just $69.99, a saving of $122 from the normal price.
With all the advantages mentioned above, it is no wonder that the online gourmet food industry is showing rapid growth and looks to expand continually into the future.

Determine The Difference Between A Food Allergy And A Food Intolerance

It is important that you determine if you are having a food intolerance versus a food allergy, if eating a specific food causes you to suffer from some symptoms. Many people mistake and confuse the two together. Finding out the difference between the two helps you decide on the best treatment option for your ailment.
When you have a food allergy, your immune system response is triggered. Having said that, only 2 percent of adults and 6 percent of children have a true food allergy that can be dangerous to their health. Common food allergens include peanuts, shellfish, soy and wheat. You do not need to consume a whole plateful of your food allergen for it to be fatal. Just a small amount can endanger your life.
With this, having a food allergy is considered more severe than having a food intolerance alone. Some of the most common symptoms of a food allergy include hives, eczema, wheezing, swelling of the throat, abdominal pain, and headaches. However, if your allergic reactions are severe, you can also suffer from shock, airway constriction, loss of consciousness and rapid pulse. This can mean death if you are not given the required treatment in a timely manner.
On the other hand, if you get a tummy ache or diarrhea due to eating certain foods, you may be having a food intolerance. You still can eat these foods and yet suffer no symptoms if they are eaten in small amounts. This is another distinguishing factor from a true food allergy.
For a food allergy, it is obvious that you would have to avoid eating that specific food. Severe food allergy symptoms necessitate medical treatment. To keep you from going into anaphylectic shock, a shot of epinephrine may be needed as soon as possible. You may also need to be warded in a hospital for emergency treatment and observation.
To know for sure if you are having a true food allergy, you can go for medical testings. It will also help if you can maintain a food diary so that you can record down your observations. When visiting your doctor, bring the food diary along with you. It can help your doctor determine whether you are just having a food intolerance or a food allergy.
A sufferer of chronic allergy symptoms for years, Evelyn Lim writes on food allergy as well as other types of allergy. For free research and tips, please refer to

Food and Wine Gifts

Wine and food have been paired for what seems like forever. Different food items are said to reveal the true nature of a particular wine. It is often said that unless the appropriate food items accompany a wine, its true taste and flavor cannot be enjoyed.
Most wine gift baskets more often than not contain certain food items, which are thought to be the best accompaniment for the wine or wines included in it. However, certain food items which are present regardless of the kind of wine are the various kinds of cheese, nuts and chocolates. There are certain kinds of breads and meats which can also be included in the gift baskets. Pates are also common in food and wine gift baskets. Depending on the wine and the price of the basket, the amount and quality of the food items included, varies. Often the customer can decide which wine or wines he wants to include in the basket and correspondingly, he or she can also pick out the food items to be included. In this way, a person can have his gift basket personalized according to his budget and liking.
The food and wine gift baskets are often distinguished by the area which the wine belongs to. If the wine is French, then the items included will have a French flavor as opposed to if the wine is Californian, in which case the items will be specific to California. This aspect certainly adds a lot of uniqueness to each wine gift basket.
The food and wine gift baskets are often on the high end, as far as their price is concerned. If the food items included are of the gourmet variety, then there is no upper limit to the price of the gift basket as such. The starting price is about $100 and this can go up to as high as $500 or even more.
Wine Gifts provides detailed information on Wine Gifts, Gifts For Wine Lovers, Wine Related Gifts, Corporate Wine Gifts and more. Wine Gifts is affiliated with Wine and Cheese Gift Baskets.

Healthy Food Delivery

Mostly Healthy food delivery programs are designed for dieters. Athletes must know about the ingredients of delivered food via healthy food delivery program to make sure that the food is having all the nutrients necessary that their body needs. There are two main types of Healthy food delivery programs:
1. Organic food delivery: Organic food delivery is mainly used by group of people who are very cautious about the calorie value of the food or who are on dieting.
2. Zonal food delivery: Zonal Food delivery is a very popular in USA and only served in areas where they are prepared.
Healthy food delivery programs are great for:
1. Busy people who have no time to shop and prepare their meal: in today’s fast life people have no time to prepare their lunch and dinners. So healthy food delivery programs are great for this category of people.
2. New cooks who do not know how to cook food. These healthy food delivery programs are for them to overcome the burden of cooking.
3. New moms and pregnant ladies who want to take proper and balanced diet: they can use healthy food delivery. For this purpose of they must know about the ingredients of food ordered by them.
4. Athletes who need to focus on training.
5. Experienced cooks who are looking for new flavors and ingredients.
6. Dinner parties where it is not possible to prepare a meal for many people according to their taste and diet requirements, in this type of cases Healthy food delivery program can be used.
Athletes should be cautious that most Healthy food delivery programs are aimed at dieters. So if they wish to order, then first they must know about the ingredients and calorie value of that specific item.
Important tips when you are going to choose a Healthy food delivery program
1. One should be confirm about the quality of ingredients in the item, how healthy it is prepared and must be prepared by a professional.
2. Cost of menu must fit one’s pocket.
3. Nutritious elements of food.
4. Diet plans for athletes and dieters.
5. Weekly or daily shipments.
6. Phone or Email customer service
7. Custom menus.
8. Fresh or Frozen Food.
9. Deliver to homes and offices.
10. Money back guarantee.
11. Gift Certificates.
12. Delivery fee.
13. Contract requirements.

Benefits Of Raw Food - 6 Benefits Of Eating Raw Food

Following a diet based on the benefits of raw food is an excellent way to lose weight on a naturally wayand it will help you to improve your health.It is not only important that you eat it; you must know what the benefits of raw food are.You know the old saying “Power is knowledge” this is definitely true when it comes to dieting.I’m sure they didn’t realize it but our grandparents (the cavemen) were only eating raw food.They didn’t cook their food; heck they didn’t even know how to create fire.
Raw food benefit #1 Eat as much as you can:If you follow a raw food diet you can eat almost as much as you can and still maintain a healthy weight.
Raw food benefit #2 Rich in fibres:Did you know that there are six types of fibres. The fibres in raw food are called cellulose. They are necessary when it comes to losing weight.
Raw food benefit #3 A clear skin:
Raw vegetables are an excellent and natural resource for a clear skin.
Vegetables are rich in vitamins. Some effective vegetables are carrots, salad,
tomatoes and cucumbers.
Raw food benefit #4 Energy:An excellent benefit of raw food is that it doesn’t contain only vitamins but also energy.You will feel yourself more fit, you will have more energy and it may even improve your sex life.
Raw food benefit #5 Saturated fads:Sat fats are bat in your battle against weight loss. This is one of the most important benefits of a raw food diet it contains very little saturated fats.
Raw food benefit #6 More nutritional value:Food cooked above 116F° will lose a lot of its nutritional value.
Attention!:Your best bet is to consume only organic raw food. Raw food from your local supermarket are loaded with pesticides.
You can prepare a lot of tasty receipts with only raw food: Think on all the salads you can mate or try a vegetable food. Personally I prefer tomato vegetable juice with a little bit salt, black pepper and Tabasco. I hope you have a better understanding of the benefits of raw food
Frederik writes about weight lossvisit his blog today to pick up a lot of interesting tips on losing weight and give your self a healthier lifestyle.Visit it by clicking hereAnd even more you can download a free report about 12 lies from the diet and weight loss industry.

Symptoms Of Food Intolerance

Food intolerance differs from a food allergy in the respect that it tends not to involve the immune system and it generally is not life-threatening but it can make you feel unwell.
Food intolerances can occur at any age, they tend to be a reaction to a particular food or food ingredient.
Common foods and ingredients which people tend to be intolerant to are:
• Milk• Wheat• Soya• Apples• Eggs• Pork• Mushrooms• Chicken • Lettuce• Monosodium glutamate (MSG)• Solanine (found in certain vegetables)• Salicylate (found in fruit, vegetables and herbs)• Tyramine (found in aged wine, meat and cheese)• Purines (found in protein foods)• Amines (found in cooked foods and preservatives)• Colourings• Flavouring
As you can see, these are everyday foods and ingredients.
You may have been eating a food or ingredient which you are intolerant to for many years and not realised it until now when your symptoms are showing.
If you have a food intolerance, you may be having other physical or emotional symptoms.
Common symptoms of food intolerance are:
• Fatigue• Wheezing• Weight problems• Diarrhoea• Constipation• Thrush• Dizziness• Itchy eyes• Food cravings• Skin rashes• Headaches• Indigestion• Insomnia• Anxiety• Depression• Mood swings• Poor memory • Brain fogging
The list is endless but it does show you that your other small health problems may be linked to your food intolerance.
If this is the case, then it is good news, all you have to do is find out which food or ingredients you have an intolerance to and you can cure all those small annoying health problems too.

Sepsis Food Poisoning

Food poisoning is a sepsis (the presence of harmful microorganisms or associated toxins in the blood and tissues), that is caused by consuming foods that are contaminated with pathogenic bacteria, toxins, viruses, prions or parasites. These contaminations are normally as a result of improper handling, storage or preparation of food. Pesticides added to food can also add in the likelyhood of consumption of the viruses. Contact that Pests, such as flies and cockroaches have with food, further increases the change of contamination.
Because symptoms often don't occur for several hours after the contaminated food is eaten, it is hard at times to 'pin the tail on the donkey' and figure out exactly where it came from. Initial Food Poisoning symptoms generally include: vomiting, diarrhea, fever, nausea, abdominal pain, headache or tiredness. Typically our body is able to recover by itself from the poisoning, after a short period of time. In rare cases, especially with babies and pregnant women, food poisoning can result in permanent health problems, and in even more extreme cases, death.
The time that passes between the food consuption and the actual presence of the virus, is known as the incubation period. During this period microbes are passed through the stomach and into the intestine where they attach the cells that line the intestinal wall. They then being to multiply.
Practicing good hygiene during the three stages of food preparation(before, after, during), can greatly reduce the chance of food poisoning. Be smart about your health and take the necessary precautions when working with food.
Feel free to reprint this article as long as you keep the article, this caption and author biography in tact with all hyperlinks.
Ryan Fyfe is the owner and operator of Food Poisoning Area -, which is the best site on the internet for all Food Poisoning related information.

The Problem of Processed Food

When you’re walking down the supermarket aisle looking for a good dog or cat food, you have no choice but to rely on what advertisement looks best or what food is cheapest. Unfortunately, neither of these tactics will get your pet the proper nutrition because pets digestive systems were never meant to eat processed foods in the first place.
In fact, if owners knew exactly what went into making dog and cat chow, they’d never let their pets touch the stuff again. For example, the fat in food is often left over cooking grease that’s been sitting in 50 gallon drums in the sun. Vets say the processed food can lead to serious health problems, such as skin and digestive conditions.
Processed food has other issues with its quality as well. The ideal food for any dog or cat is raw meat. This is what their ancestors and wild cousins eat, and it’s what their intestinal tract is made to eat. Pet food companies have to cook their meat before turning it into chow. They must also add preservatives to prolong the shelf life of the product. Imagine how healthy you would be if all you ever ate was processed, preserved food in pellet form.
Grant Carroll proud father of four dogs and co-owner of with Dog Clothes and Dog Coats.

Savouring Tea with Food

One would normally associate pairing good food with fine wines... but with tea? Actually, the concept of tea-food pairing works similarly to wine-food pairing. Like wines, quality teas can have a wide range of flavour, smell, acidity, body and texture muchly depending on where and how they were produced. Hence, if a good pairing between tea and food is made, the characteristics of a tea can interact with the flavours of food to greatly enhance and accentuate the taste of the food, thus increasing the enjoyment.
There is no exact science to which teas go well with which kinds of food but a good general guideline would be to pair teas with food which either have similar characteristics or have complementary characteristics. For example, unoxidised green tea with its smooth grassy taste would go well with seafood as it washes down any fishy aftertaste. Another example would to have an Oolong tea with its more toasty flavour to go with grilled chicken. The whole fun of tea-food pairing is to treat it as an adventure to explore and experiment with how different attributes of the various teas and food interacts and serve to heighten each dining experience you have.
Here's some general guidelines to kickstart you in your experiments
* Green teas eg. Dragonwell - lighter flavoured food such as seafood dishes
* Oolong teas eg. Tie Guan Yin - grilled dishes, white meats such as chicken
* Red teas eg. Assam, English breakfast - full flavoured food such as red meat
* Black teas eg. Pu-erh- Dishes with higher oil and fat content such as curries, cream based pastas, sweet desserts
Have fun pairing!

Is Your Pet Sick?

If your dog or cat has suddenly lost it's appetite, take it to the vet ASAP! Menu Foods of Ontario Canada has issued a major pet food recall of 48 brands of dog food and 40 brands of cat food, including such well known brands as Eukanuba, Iams and Nutro. Ten pets have dies already at the hands of this mystery contaminate. Authorities and vets do not know what is in the food that is making the animals sick, but so far pets have been dying of kidney failure. One of the first symptoms is a sudden loss of appetite. Here is a website with the complete recall listing and here is a couple of phone numbers you can call to inquire further 1-866-463-6738 or 1-866-895-2708. Some of the first affected pets became sick up to a week ago.
These pet food products were distributed through such common outlets as Kroger, Safeway and Wal-Mart. This recall includes the US, Canada and Mexico. So far most of the food products that have been contaminated have been "cuts and gravy" style of food. This style of food is sold in cans and foil pouches. Most of the offending product has been pulled from off of store shelves. Please check your stash of pet food immediately and throw out anything that could be contaminated.
Luckily Khrom Chen carries a brand of organic pet food that is NOT on the recall list produced by Only Natural Pet browse their offerings of uncontaminated dog and cat food. They also have holistic pet care, toys and a wide variety of pet care products. Click here for cat food. Click here for dog food. Khrom Chen also features weekly pet care specials.
Visit the Green Monk Blog for more Environmental Articles and Consumer Recalls at Visit Khrom Chen Organic Mall to shop for green, oraganic, eco & earth friendly products at We have weekly Specials, Coupons & Discounts on everything you need.

Bachelors Degree in Food and Nutrition

Life-threatening diet-related diseases are on the increase at an alarming rate these days. This has made people more health conscious and so, a food science graduate has more relevance in society.
A bachelor's degree in food and nutrition focuses on the chemical and biological composition of food and its impacts on the body. Reasons for the decay of food are also critically analyzed. This comprehensive study helps people educate their patients on the need for a modified diet and plan a personalized healthy diet for them. The bachelor's degree in food and nutrition has many specializations. Dietetics and nutrition management are the common areas specialized. Other specializations include nutrition and food safety, geriatric nutrition, sports nutrition, and environmental health. The curriculum varies with the specialization of your choice.
Generally, the bachelor's degree in food and nutrition curriculum includes topics such as microbiology of food, food chemistry, food processing, and food product development. Food analysis techniques and lab study usually cover much of the credits of the course. Papers in biology, biochemistry, general psychology and sociology, food safety, etc., are also included in different semesters. Communication skills, math, physical science, computers and special electives such as marketing, journalism and arts are also studied as part of the course.
The career options of a food and nutrition graduate include dietitian, nutritionist, food service manager, public relations, sales officer, quality control/assurance personnel, food product developers, food microbiologists, food scientists, flavor chemists, lab technicians, statisticians, and control managers. They have many placement opportunities at government and voluntary agencies, industrial food concerns, hospitals, restaurants, schools, health clubs, and the media.
The bachelor's degree in food and nutrition is a four-year course. Thirty credits are to be earned to complete the course. An internship of 900 hours is required to obtain the certification. The basic requirement for admission is a high school diploma with a C grade or better. Depending on the institution, the grade point average minimum varies between 2.0 and 3.2. Some institutions shortlist candidates based on a written test and interview.
Bachelors Degrees provides detailed information on bachelors degrees, accelerated bachelors degrees, bachelor of arts degrees, bachelor of science degrees and more. Bachelors Degrees is affiliated with Types Of College Degrees.

Beneful Dog Food - Keeping Your Dog In Top Shape

Good food is essential to your dog’s health. If you do not give your dog the right kind of food, your dog may suffer from malnutrition and will become sickly. Sickly dogs are never fun to be with. They tend to be grumpy and sluggish most of the time so they do not really make good companions at all. If you love your dog, you must learn to value its health by providing it with the best source of nutrition like beneful dog food.
The good thing about beneful dog food is that it contains fewer calories than most other types of dog food. Always remember that dogs are just like human beings. If you feed them with unhealthy types of food like those containing lots and lots of calories, your dog will be more prone to diseases. Since beneful dog food contains fewer calories, you can be sure that your dog’s health is protected.
Product Contents
The beneful dog food contains all the essential elements that your dog needs. The main source of protein in the beneful dog food is chicken. The moist and chewy chunks of beneful dog food contain real chicken that is rich in protein. It also contains protein from soya which helps in building strong muscles of your dog. Note that protein is very important to the health and well-being of your dog. Whether your dog is one of those large breeds that are usually used for hunting and other sporting activities or one of those small house dogs, it is important to give your dog lots of protein rich food.

Food Intolerance Testing: To Encourage Good Relations between Food and Bodies

Food intolerance related conditions are widespread according to a number of the UK’s leading nutritionists. Unlike allergies which provoke immediate reactions when sufferers eat problem foods, food intolerances cause a delayed reaction. This means that without food intolerance testing, it is practically impossibly to identify the food that is making you feel unwell.
As a result, many people suffer from symptoms such as migraines, abdominal pains and asthma for years before taking a food intolerance test to discover the cause of their problems.
Food intolerance testing is much easier (and more pleasant) than the other measures people take to try and understand what is making them feel ill.
Food intolerance testing involves taking a tiny sample of blood and sending it to a laboratory for analysis. If the sample comes back positive for a food intolerance, you can then take another test to identify the exact food intolerance that you have. These tests allow to you to check for intolerances to up to 113 different types of food.
If food intolerance testing reveals that you have an intolerance to a particular type of food you should take advice about how to adjust your diet. This is because if you have an intolerance to various different types of food it can be harmful to suddenly stop eating them altogether.
Furthermore, depending on your level of intolerance, you might find that you can still eat the problem food, just much less frequently than you used to. For instance, one of my clients discovered that he had an intolerance to yeast via food intolerance testing. This meant that he had to cut out beer altogether for a year but was then able to gradually re-introduce it to his diet.
Identifying problem foods by undergoing food intolerance testing can significantly enhance your sense of well being. However, food intolerance testing is not a cure all. Instead it should be undertaken alongside other attempts to live a healthy lifestyle; such as taking regular exercise.

Finding A Food Dehydrator For Newbies

Food dehydrator use can be easy. However for newbies to food dehydration it can feel complicated. So how do you buy the right food dehydrator? Decide what you are planning to do with it if first. Then decide if you'll need 2 food dehydrators or not. Still confused well this article is going to solve your food dehydrator buying woes.
Now in the beginning I stated that you need to find out what you want to do with your food dehydrator. The first answer to the question I hope is dehydrate food with it and the socond should be one of the following. I am going to do a lot of food dehydrating or I am going to do a very small amount of food dehydrating. If you plan on doing a lot, I suggest a large food dehydrator with about 12-15 trays that can be expanded to 24 trays and it should have about 750-1000 watts of power. You if plans to dehydrate food are to only do a small batch every so often then you may need to downsize a bit and go with a 500 watt 8-12 tray capacity. Also for the record the trays are the circular disc that are very similar to shelves that you'll put into your food dehydrator.
The final step is to decide if you need 1 food dehydrator or 2? The answer to this can be as simple as the following. Are you planning on doing meat and fruits/vegetables in your food dehydrator? If you are going to dehydrate both I recommend getting two food dehydrators. The reason I say get 2 is because this way you can dehydrate both types of food at once if you need to. You should not dehydrate meat and fruits/vegetables together as the drying times will vary greatly and one food or another may end up becoming to dry or worse yet not dry enough. Thats not to say you need 2 large food dehydrators, simply buy 2 smaller ones for about the same price as a large dehydration unit.
Using the above steps will help you decide which food dehydrator is right for you and then you can compare different food dehydrator styles and sizes and find the one that is the right fit for what you plan to do with it. Buying and using a food dehydrator will never be easier.

Wholesale Food Distributors

Wholesale food distributors are licensed to supply food items to retailers and large institutional clients. The food items in food wholesaling include groceries, packaged frozen food, fish and seafood, fresh fruits and vegetables, meat and meat products, dairy products that include butter, cheese, cream and ice cream, confectionary which include candy, potato chips, nuts and chewing gum. Most of the time, food is purchased and sold without any further processing. However, sometimes basic cutting, peeling and packaging processes are handled by wholesale distributors. Food wholesale distributors work from a warehouse or a business office because they do not entertain walk in clients and there is no need to display the food items.
Food wholesalers can be merchant wholesalers who are primarily engaged in buying and selling groceries and grocery products. They can be specialty wholesalers who are engaged in the wholesale distribution of food items such as frozen foods, poultry products and dairy products. There are also miscellaneous wholesalers who are referred to as systems distributors specializing in food items like coffee, tea and spices. The other types of wholesalers are brokers who merely act as representatives and get a commission. They do not physically handle products. Apart from these types of wholesalers, there are also warehouse clubs where a retailer can visit and purchase products in bulk at wholesale prices.
Food, being a perishable item, needs to be handled carefully and food distributors have to ensure quick turnaround of inventory. The warehouse infrastructure requirement for food wholesaling and distribution is based on the type of products stored. For example, food products like canned fish and ice cream require deep freezing equipment. Wholesale merchants maintain close relationships with their clients. The growth in wholesale food industry is tremendous and the outlook is promising. As long as the demand for processed, packaged and frozen food exists, the wholesale industry will be there to warehouse it, finance it and deliver it to retail and institutional clients.
Wholesale Distributors provides detailed information on Wholesale Distributors, DVD Wholesale Distributors, Wholesale Clothing Distributors, Wholesale Food Distributors and more. Wholesale Distributors is affiliated with Candle Wholesalers.

What Food Is Safe For Your Pet?

Now a days, dozens of commercial products are available in the market so that you can take good care of your pet.
Many of us get confused when it comes to feed our pets. What food is safer, commercial food or homemade food?
Let us have a look at these issues in details.
The first thing to remember is that the food that can spoil the health of your pet can come for any source. It can be commercial or homemade food as well. We should just make sure that whatever we are giving to our pet, should not be contaminated.
Food borne illness in your pets can be because of some bacterial infections, mycotoxins, metals, chemicals etc.
Some toxins such as mycotoxins are produced by fungus. The one fourth part of entire world's crop is affected by tiny molds. This mycotoxin litigation has been proved to be a big pain for the food industry.
People often can not differentiate between 'food poisoning' and 'food infection'. They are two different things.
Food infection is a result of ingestion of microbial cells that are infectious. They attack the tissues of your pet and start reproducing.
Mostly, clinical decease does not become visible before 12 hours at least.
Food poisoning results from the food that contains a microbial toxin already.
The symptoms of food poisoning appear more rapidly, may be within an hour.
So, now you must have understood the essence of our articles. Whenever you prepare homemade food for your pet, always make sure it is hygienic and if you are going to buy some commercial product, take some help from the people who already feed their pets in the same way.
When you know a product is right, you can go for it.

Food Allergies Test

How does a person know that they have a food allergy? The simple answer is that as a child they ate something their body had a reaction to and their parents realized that there was some type of food allergy to be wary of. The other way to determine if a person has a food allergy is by the food allergies test. The food allergies test has been designed by scientist to test the individual with small amounts of food to see if they will get a reaction. The food test is an internal test as well as an external test.
What this means is that some individuals can have a food allergies reaction just by touching the food they are allergic to, while others will have a reaction based on the digestion on the food. The food allergies test usually takes a few hours to perform. This is because the allergies reactions can take up to three hours before a person will start to experience symptoms.
For mild food allergies the test may not work as well as one would hope. You see with a mild food allergy the body may not react to the same degree. This means that when you are taking part in the food allergies test you are not given a heavy dose of the food because the doctors obviously don't want to have a serious reaction on their hands. In a small dose a person with a mild food allergy may not have any reaction at all. This can make it difficult for those individuals to be diagnosed.
Generally with allergies that are tested externally even tests that are done externally an area of the skin are going to be scrapped with the offending food item. The skin is then either going to have hives appear or it is not. This will tell the doctor if you are allergic to the external stimuli. You will also note that the test is going to be done on various parts of the body. If you think you have a food allergy it is best to seek a medical opinion and have the food allergies test completed. The doctor can help you determine what course of action may be needed if you do indeed have the food allergy. In most cases it will be a rotation diet as well as cutting out the ingredient you are allergic too.
Read more articles about Food and drinks at
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Dry Cat Food Advantages

Using dry cat food to feed your cat has many benefits. Unless your cat has health issues that require the use of canned foods, dry food is usually the best choice for several reasons.
Dry food helps maintain your cat's dental health. As the cat chews the food, her teeth are also cleaned which lessens the buildup of tartar and exercises your cat's teeth and gums.
Price is a major factor. Dry cat food is considerably less expensive than canned foods often less than half as costly. And, your cat will eat proportionally less food which will make your feeding dollars stretch even more.
Dry food is much simpler to store. If the storage container is air-tight and covered, the food should last until the expiration date listed on the package, usually months or years into the future. An opened can of cat food must be placed in the refridgerator and used within one day to prevent spoilage.
Feeding dry cat food to your cats is easier. You can put the day's supply of food in a bowl, and you don't have to worry about food spoiling. You can even use automatic feeders in case you are not always consistently available to feed your cat at mealtimes. Canned cat food can only be left in bowls for a short period of time.
Cats that eat dry food produce less waste in their litter boxes. So, you will invest less in cat litter and in scooping time.
Be sure to choose a premium brand of cat food. Cheaper brands often aren't made with quality ingredients which could affect your cat's health. Also, cats that eat dry food require more water since they are getting very little from their food. Fresh water should be available at all times. Your cat can still occasionally have premium canned food as a treat, but for most cats, a predominately dry cat food diet is the best alternative.

High Fiber Low Carb Foods - An Important Factor To Fat Loss And Health

You may have heard this from your doctor that your food with high content of carbohydrates is not good for your health. Carbohydrates only makes it easy to have some extra fat to your body. High carbohydrate content in your food is also help you get some common illness like diabetes.
And what is fiber? And why fiber is important for your body?
Fiber is hard to digest and can give you this feeling that your stomach is full for a longer duration with considerably less amount of food intake. High fiber, low carb food reduces the negative impact of carbohydrate in your food.
Its unhealthy to have zero carbohydrate in your food, however a high fiber low carb food solve this problem and makes your food a balanced and effective food for your health. This type of food is also gives an extra help to those people who have a very hectic schedule and unable to eat properly as well as reduces the chances of an emergency call from nature.
You should have fiber content between 25 grams to 40 grams. Less than 25 grams in your food means that you are not maximizing your diet. And more than 40 grams will be bad for your health as it will become hard to digest.
If you want to have an healthy body and want to reduce your weight then you should seriously think to have high fiber low carb food in your diet. And I must say that it is very necessary to take appropriate amount of fiber intake everyday. However, if you have not started taken fiber in your food habits then you should start to take it gradually only.
Wishing you success.

Important Nutritional Information on Cat Food

Cat Food Fact #1 Cats must get their Protein
Protein is crucial for your cat’s health, and generally comes from fish, meat or poultry. Advertisers will often say their brand is beef, turkey or mackerel flavoured, but it may not actually contain those products, meaning it may not be rich in protein. Always ensure the food you buy but your cat has a sufficient amount of protein in it, irrespective of the flavour.
Cat Food Fact #2 Cat Food with Taurine
Taurine is an important amino acid for your cat, and you should also check that the food you buy contains this supplement. Cats control their own levels and indicate these with their appetite. If you cat is eating a lot, the food you are buying may not have enough nutrients for a balanced diet. You can watch your cats weight by buying a nutrient rich food as your cat will eat less and you might even save money.
Cat Food Fact #3 Canned or Dry Cat Food?
Cats require a varied diet, including a mixture of canned and dry food. Contrary to opinions that it doesn’t matter, buying only one type of food because of convenience or price is a mistake, and can harm your cat’s health. When the cat is alone or unattended for a period, carbohydrate rich dry food should be left out for your cat with a supply of fresh water. Tinned food is higher in protein due to the meat content, and contains higher water levels. Both are essential for a balanced diet, and a combination of both dry and canned food will keep essential variety in the diet and prevent the cat from seeking food elsewhere.
Cat Food Fact #4 Avoid fillers in cat food
Protein is essential for your cat as part of a balanced diet. Ensure the food you buy is rich in protein, and not overly full of carbohydrates, common fillers used by manufacturers to build out volume. Always read the label, and check for overly high levels of carbohydrate and other by-products in the cat food.
Jay Moncliff is the founder of a website specialized on Cat Food, resources and articles. This site provides updated information on Cat Food. For more info visit his site: Cat Food

How To Choose The Right Type Of Food For Your Dog

Have you been having trouble getting your dog to eat the food you give him or her? If your dog happens to be one of those types of dogs that discriminate on food, you should be very careful about buying dog foods. Always remember that there are some types of dogs foods that are not really so tasty that dogs would tend to snob it. To make sure that you dog will eat what you give it, you should make sure that you buy only good quality dog food like the Canidae dog food. Note that Canidae dog food is one of the best known brands of dog food in the market to day. Most dog owners and breeders all over the country prefers to give their pets the Canidae dog food over other types of dog foods simply because dogs love this kind of food.
Getting Something That Your Dog Will Love
Canidae dog food is very taste and most dogs love it. Even if your dog happens to be very picky with his or her food, you don’t really have to worry about wasting your money on the Canidae dog food. The good thing about the Canidae dog food is that it offers you a wide variety of dog foods to choose from. The Canidae dog food comes in four types of meat meals namely chicken, turkey, lamb and fish. If your dog happens to be very choosy of his or her food, you can buy a small pack of the different types of Canidae dog food and let your pet sample them.
Giving Your Dog A Variety Of Food
Like human beings, dogs do not really like to eat the type kind of food day in and day out. In most cases, after giving your dog the same food for a couple of days or so, your dog will start to ignore the food. Once your dog starts to ignore his or her food, it is best not to force your dog to eat hat kind of food for the next few days. Since your dog need different variety of foods, make sure that you buy more than one type of Canidae dog food. If you are feeding your dog twice in a day, you might want to give your dog different flavors of Canidae dog food each meal to stimulate his or her appetite. However, when giving different flavors of food to your dog, give him only the recommended amount of food. Do not let your dog overeat or else your dog will become obese.
see the full article at:
For more information on Dog Food do visit bestdogfood
a website that specializes in providing Dog Food and other related Information, Advice and Resources.

The Different Kinds Of Dog Food

Nutrition for your dog is just as important to that of any other family member, if you care about your dog as much as most people do. But canine nutrition isn’t always as simple as pet food companies make it out to be. You want to make sure that your pet is getting the best dog food that they can. But there are a number of different kinds of dog food to choose from, and making the choice as to what the best is can be difficult. Let’s look at the options you have in dog food and what makes them good or bad.
Homemade dog food is popular with people that take the attitude that they want to know exactly what goes into their dogs, and with those that argue that dogs have lived fine off man’s scraps for centuries. Homemade dog food can be made from raw meats, which are popular with some, or can be cooked and mixed with things like brown rice, vegetables, and such. While it does ensure that you don’t get as many additives in your dog food, maintaining a balanced and nutrition-rich diet can be just as difficult in dogs as it is in people.
Wet Food
Wet dog food comes in can or pouches nowadays, and consists of food that’s been kept moist in some way, giving the dog a juicy meal to eat. The benefit of this sort of dog food is that it’s easy to provide nutrition that’s been formulated just right for your dog. However, there is the danger of having additives in the food that you wouldn’t want there. Also, wet food can be messy, particularly when it comes time to clean the dog bowl or to store what you didn’t use until the next feeding.
Dry Food
see the full article at: For more information on Dog Food do visit bestdogfood
a website that specializes in providing Dog Food and other related Information, Advice and Resources.

How to Avoid Food Poisoning

You are feeling awful with vomiting, cramps and have been visiting the toilet every 10 minutes for the last two hours. Does this sound familiar? The chances are that all of us have experienced some form of food poisoning at some time.
There are different types of food poisoning, with symptoms ranging from simple nausea to potential death. It all depends upon what food is involved, and how that food was handled before you ate it. The effect of food poisoning is also dependent upon the individual – the aged, young or those that are immune depressed are all more likely to suffer badly.
If you think that you have food poisoning, see your Doctor, as it may need to be reported to the appropriate government authority. It is really important that food poisonings are reported as it is the only way available to track outbreaks and numbers of occurrences. You will never always be able to avoid food poisoning, however by following a few simple techniques you can minimise the likelihood of you becoming ill;
- Always keep food outside the temperature range of 5˚C and 60˚C – this is the favored temperature range for food poisoning bacteria. For hot food make sure it is heated / cooked to more than 60˚C and for cold food store at less than 4˚C at all times.
- Thaw food, particularly meats, in the fridge not on the bench or sink.
- Always wash your hands properly prior to handling food, and especially after; patting the dog, blowing your nose, visiting the toilet, smoking or eating, changing the baby.
- Store raw meat in a covered container at the bottom of your fridge to keep it from dripping onto other food.
- Always thoroughly wash utensils and containers that have been used on raw food prior to using them on cooked product.
Rachelle Williams is committed to helping food businesses be better businesses. She is a food technologist, fellow of the Australian Organization for Quality and member of both the Australian Institute of Food Science and Technology, and Food Safety Information Council. Rachelle has appeared on “What’s Good for You” and “Brisbane Extra” and has written many food safety and business eBooks. Contact her on to request your free eBook “How safe is food in Australia”, and to subscribe to her free eNewsletter, ”Food Safety for Small Businesses”.

Food Intolerance Testing: Food For Thought

Having a food intolerance is not the same as having a food allergy. If you have a food allergy, your body identifies problem food as a “toxic invader” and goes into anaphylactic shock when it is ingested.
Food intolerance is also linked to your body’s sensitivity to certain foods however it is not immune mediated. Food intolerance is sometimes caused by intestinal lining damage. In a perfectly healthy person, the intestinal lining which contains small holes, acts as a filter by preventing undigested particles of food and toxins from entering the bloodstream and allowing nutrients through.
However, if these small holes become enlarged then the intestinal lining’s ability to act as an effective filter is reduced. This is called “Leaky Gut” and it can cause a number of food intolerances. Recent research has shown that Leaky Gut can cause eczema and asthma.
However, there are plenty of other food intolerances that are not caused by Leaky Gut and are instead just to do with the fact that your body finds it difficult to cope with certain types of food.
Food Intolerance Testing
If you find that you suffer regularly from migraines, bloating and abdominal pains or any other on going physical complaint, then you might have a food intolerance.
The only way to identify this is through food intolerance testing. There are a number of ways to conduct food intolerance testing. We recommend the food intolerance indicator test as a first step. This is a simple blood test that identifies whether or not you actually have a food intolerance. If the result comes back positive, then you can arrange to have further in-depth food intolerance testing to find out exactly which foods are causing you problems. Since the second test is more expensive than the first, it is better to start off with the food intolerance indicator test. That way, if you don’t have a food intolerance you won’t have wasted money on the second test.
Food intolerance testing is a simple, quick and affordable way to getting on the path to good health and a sense of well being.

Dog Training - Dog Training Basics

Are you looking for some "Dog training for dummy" information? You will find it here! It is very rare for people to have dog that is born obedient with good manners. Dogs are like kids they need proper care and training to mold your dog into a obedient pet.
Always make dog training as fun as possible for you and your dog - that is the number one rule for "Dog training for dummy". Always stick to one lesson at a time because dogs are not able to do multi-tasks. Repeat dog training lessons until it completely solved your dog's behavior problems. When your dog successfully completes your command reward him with food. Food is very important in dog training. We must give to your dog something they want when they do something we want. But what do dogs want? The list is so huge, there are basic requirements such as water and food. Then there are thing like social contact, attention, toys, exercise and other things.
So why do food is so important in dog training?
1. All dogs need to eat because food is necessary for survival and dogs are willing to work hard for food.2. Most dogs loves to eat!3. Some food is particularly tasty to dogs.4. Food is convenient for dog trainer because small food peaces will fit in your pocket or bag.5. You need to feed your dog anyway, so we might get something in return.6. Food gives positive associations with training.
You just need to find food which will be tasty to your dog.

Chew on This!

Chewing is an important part of proper nutrition. If we don’t chew our food thoroughly we can not digest our food properly; if we don’t completely digest our food it creates many issues for the body.
The digestion process starts in the mouth. Chewing breaks down food and also initiates the release of digestive enzymes. If we are swallowing our food whole or barely chewed the digestion system has to work so much harder.
Proper chewing can aid in reducing incidences of indigestion. And, it can assist in resolving elimination issues.
Chewing thoroughly also allows us to eat more slowly – this creates space in the meal to enjoy it, actually taste the food and even savor it. By slowing down this process it will also help us eat less. This is true because it takes longer, giving us more time to realize we are full AND we can garner more nutrients from the food we eat. If we can more fully utilize the nutrients in the food we eat we can be nourished with fewer calories.
To check your current chewing skills do an experiment – try chewing a piece of food as you normally would. Count the number of times you chew it before swallowing it. Then take the same amount of the same food and attempt to double the number of chews before swallowing. For most people, with a little focus, it is not too difficult. This is a SURE sign you are not chewing your food thoroughly enough. Your food should be liquefied before swallowing it.
Moral of the story – a making a simple change like being more conscious of chewing habits can make a big difference in the digestion, assimilation and elimination of the food you eat. Every little bit helps.
(c) 2007 Copyright Brenda Jaeck
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Brenda Jaeck, a Nutrition and Lifestyle Coach, Lecturer and Workshop Facilitator and Radio Show Host, guides people to a better place of balance using food as a focus and a tool. To more conveniently serve clients her practice is telephone based. She also runs group programs and conducts workshops and retreats. She is also a member of the National Speakers Association. For further information about her upcoming dynamic Teleprograms, her Customized Transformational Program, to browse her inspiring resources and to sign up for her FREE e-zine see her website She can be contacted via email at

Food Items That Boost Metabolism

If you are in the market looking for food items that boost metabolism, do not be afraid of not finding as there is a wide selection of food items that help to boost metabolism and burn fat. The good news is that you do not have to go to a special store to purchase food items that boost metabolism. You can find the food in your local market or the grocery store.
Food items that boosts metabolism might be food you have consumed at some point in your life. Food items like skinless chicken breast, fish, fat free cheese, green vegetables, olive oil, seasoning spices, sirloin, tenderloin, tofu and Turkey bacon are all foods that boost metabolism.
Even certain vegetables are food items that boost metabolism. Zucchini, tomatoes, cucumber, eggplant, lettuce, mushrooms, spinach, artichokes, asparagus, beans, broccoli, cauliflower and celery are food items that boost metabolism.
Besides consuming food items that boost metabolism, you should also be self-disciplined in order to lose weight. It is coupled with food items that boost metabolism and proper weight loss program that will help you in achieving your weight loss goals.
Other ways of boosting your metabolism is by having a meal every four to five hours. Have healthy snack food so that you get all the required nutrients in these meals. Never skip your breakfast. Usually when we sleep, our metabolism rate decreases. Breakfast helps to boost metabolism. Exercising too increases the metabolic rate. Try to do aerobic exercise four times a week to ensure that your metabolism is boosted. The remaining days of the week you can do resistance training to build up your muscles and strength.

Discount Pet Food

Food for your pet is the most important thing to maintain a healthy life. Not all animals have the same digestive system, and feeding your pet the wrong food can be disastrous. The ingredients and the balance of the minerals, vitamins and carbohydrates for your pet is one of the most important things to maintain its health and well-being. For such matters one might depend on specially processed food for pets, rather than giving the pet the food that was leftover from your dinner.
However, nowadays there is a great debate on the topic of organic food for pets, including foods that contain chickens, hormone-free lamb, and insecticide-free crops. Nonetheless, there is a great confusion regarding these kinds of food for pets. Many people are under the assumption that anything which is organic in nature is superior. These organic foods might taste better than other pet foods. The US government is in a great dilemma regarding the issue of organic food. The usual ingredients that should be in food for your pets should be rich in folic acid, all the vitamin supplements, ascorbic acid and other such ingredients.
In order to store your pets’ food, you need proper storage material to sustain freshness. Pet food storage boxes are ideal for the purpose. These are available from the pet suppliers who cater your needs. Discount pet foods provide you with excellent opportunities to buy quality food for your pet at affordable prices. Discounts on food prices give you the opportunity to buy more quality food products for your pet, in order to maintain its health.
Discount Pet Supplies provides detailed information on Discount Pet Supplies, Wholesale Discount Pet Supplies, Discount Pet Drug Supplies, Discount Pet Food and more. Discount Pet Supplies is affiliated with Custom Dog Tags.