srijeda, 16. travnja 2008.

Food Waste Disposers - Environmental Benefits

Many people are of the belief that food waste disposers are bad for the environment; when in fact this could not be further from the truth. Food waste disposers are great for the environment, and are a great way to start a compost pile for people who otherwise wouldn’t have the time or space to do so. This article aims to provide you with up to date information regarding the benefits of using a food waste disposer. In addition to reducing household waste, a food waste disposer can reduce the amount of waste that goes as land-fill. Waste has become a major global issue and legally binding limits have been established for some countries on the amount of food waste that can be used as land-fill. A food waste disposer can reduce the volume of waste going as land-fill dramatically, by up to 50%. Life-cycle studies have identified major cost benefits from using the food waste disposer rather than land-fill methods alone. Ground food waste channeled to a waste water treatment plant can create valuable fertilizer and generate energy by capturing methane gas.
Food waste disposers complement the compost pile. Composting is an environmentally-friendly way to use the space in yards to slowly break-down organic matter such as food waste. Composting with food waste is not an option for many people who have neither the necessary space nor the time to tend to a compost pile. Additionally, protein food waste such as meat, fish, dairy products and many cooked foods should not be put on a compost pile. The decay process is different from that of green waste and can produce harmful pathogens, noxious smells and be an obvious attractant for rodents and insects.
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