srijeda, 16. travnja 2008.

Dog Lacking Of Appetite And Some Solutions

There can be 2 main causes of why a dog can loss his appetite. First, it maybe he is sick, which the best solution is to consult a veterinarian. However, another reason could be, he is simply being spoil too much and became picky about food. A dog may become picky about food when you feed him too much table food or getting too many dog treats. Apparently, these food taste better than pet food, encouraging them to wait for a better offer before settling for kibble.
Some Solutions & Tips To Share:
1. Try figure out what the pet likes to eat and try different types of food, different textures and flavors.
2. Put out the food and leave your pet alone. Some owner like to hover over their pet as they eat, this will add pressure to them. Decrease the focus and pressure for the pet while they try to eat.
3. Get your pet on a feeding schedule and don't leave food out for it to eat at will.
4. Two meals a day suffice for both large and small dogs, give your pet a measured amount of food it can eat in 10 to 20 minutes. If he doesn't eat after the set time period, pick the food up and put it away.
5. If food switch is needed, let the transition take place over a week or so, gradually blending the foods in together as you switch, to avoid making your pet sick. As with people, if you suddenly switch food on a pet, it could develop an upset stomach or diarrhea.
Rachel is a long time dog owner/lover. She has study about dog training, dog grooming, dog's diet and dog's psychology for several years. Recently there has been new member added to her doggie family, a Miniature Schnauzer. She has decided to start sharing her experiences as the training starts. If you'd like to know more please visit

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