srijeda, 16. travnja 2008.

What Dog Food Company Will You Trust?

I don't know about you, but I want to make sure that I'm taking as good care of my dog as I possibly can. This would include doing everything for making sure that they get adequate exercise and have a warm place to sleep to make sure that the dog food company I choose to feed my dog is giving them good food. The real problem is that, most of the time, and eat dog food company is not interested in the health of your dog. What they are more interested in is the bottom line, how much money they are making for themselves and for their investors. Many of the dog food companies will feed your dog things that you would never consider putting in front of them. So when you are looking for a dog food company to take care of your dog make sure that you are digging deep enough to find out what the facts really are.
Did you realize that a dog food company can mark a bag of dog food as chemical free when they actually contain chemicals? The regulations that govern what goes on a bag of dog food is different than those that regulate what goes on food for human consumption. As long as of dog food company does not add any chemicals to the byproduct once it enters the factory for rendering into dog food they can't legally labeled as being chemical free, even if the byproduct was full of chemicals and hormones when it entered factory. They can also legally put things into dog food such as the carcasses of euthanize dogs and cats from the pound which are often thrown into the next still inside their bags and sometimes still wearing collars and tags. So the next time you are looking for a dog food company, or facts about dog food, make sure you are looking further than what the dog food company is telling you.
The dog food and dog care industries are out to get your money, not to help your dog live a healthy life. By making simple changes to the way you feed your pet you could help them to live a much healthier and longer life. Download our Special Report at
Dog Food is Killing Your Dog an Online Special Report, Now Available to Download.

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