srijeda, 16. travnja 2008.

Weight Loss Tip to Help You Waste The Food Your Body Does Not Need

How difficult is it for you to leave food on your plate when you are full? Are you like many dieters who eat every scrap, especially when it is something you usually restrict from your diet?
If you are anything like me, leaving food on your plate can be a struggle if not impossible. All those old childhood messages about not leaving food so readily kick into action. A mixture of guilt at leaving food followed by guilt at eating too much are the conflicting feelings we struggle with.
So, it was a revelation when someone asked me to consider the act of celebrating throwing away and wasting food. The thought confused me for a minute or two as I tried to understand the concept. Previously, I had managed to leave food on my plate, throwing it away by considering it better for me not to overeat. However, that didn't help me overcome the guilt at the waste I had created.
Celebrating wasting food just did not 'compute' with me until this person explained its rationale. Given that the earth is our sustaining factor - the land, the sea and its influence on the weather and the food we eat - we are all aware these days of how it needs our great care and attention. From the land to the climate and weather systems, much of our food is dependant on rain and a fertile soil.
Whatever food we eat eventually goes back to the land in one form or another. This is the normal cycle of all living creatures. So our waste products are given back to the land and aid the replenishment of more food. When we recycle our food waste by composting, we are giving back to the land the nutrients for it to sustain our food supply further.
How wonderful is that? I can certainly see why wasting food should be celebrated as we gift it back to the land without the need to eat too much of it and 'waste' it on our hips!
Chrissie Webber is a published author and weight management motivation coach. Through her online company she offers support, motivation and re-parenting to the 95% - 97% of dieters who are still struggling to find the weight they were born to be. Her web site and blog offer motivation 'Keys' that help children, parents and adults discover a life without guilt, shame and self-loathing. To learn/relearn the skills of 'Conscious Eating' and how to live in harmony with food and nature become an online member today:

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