subota, 26. srpnja 2008.

Detox Guide: Juice Fasting Provide More Benefits Than Water Fasting

The term fasting literally means ‘to go without food’ and the popular concept of a fast is to starve for a set period of time and drink only water. This is technically a water-fast and it is one of the most difficult ways to detox. Far more popular today is the juice fast which enables you to continue drinking a range of fruit and vegetable juices while you fast.
Juice is preferable to water when fasting for a number of reasons, for example juice is much more easily digested and absorbed than water plus it supplies a number of essential nutrients and calories. This means that during the juice fast you will have a small but continual energy supply.
A juice fast often precedes or follows a detox diet. In cases where the juice fast comes first, it normally lasts 24-48 hours before different food groups are gradually added back into the diet over the next 4-5 days. This detox diet is essential for well being as jumping straight back into a full diet after a juice fast, especially if the fast is quite prolonged, can seriously upset the digestive system and your bowels won’t know whether they are coming or going.
However for first time detoxers it is probably better to reverse the process so that food groups are systematically excluded from the diet in the days leading up to a juice fast. If you have never fasted before it can be a big change and an even bigger shock to the system. By embarking on a detox diet for 7-10 days before a juice fast the body gradually gets used to working on a limited calorie intake.
If you can manage it, it is much more beneficial to have fresh fruit and vegetable juices that you squeeze yourself daily from a range of organic produce. Great detox juices include carrot, celery, spinach, beet and cabbage or alternatively if they don’t sound too appetising you can always try apple, pineapple or cranberry juice. But never mix any vegetable juice with fruit juice though. Keep their separate.
As with detox diets, there are hundreds of juice fast plans available so find one you can stick with and just try it for 2 or 3 days initially. You will feel the benefits even from this short time and if you succeed with this one you can try a 5 day juice fast next time.

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