subota, 26. srpnja 2008.

Is There Such A Thing As Healthy Fast Food?

Give me convenience or give me death! This seems to be the mantra of these modern times. So, is it possible to find something healthy when sitting in the drive thru?
With the ease of fast food choices tempting us on every corner, it can be difficult to pass them by when you are hungry for lunch or looking for a quick dinner for the family. Skipping the fatty fries and processed nuggets and instead opting for salads or grilled alternatives can make eating out more healthful and enjoyable for your entire family!
Many fast food restaurants have recently begun aiming some of their meals towards the healthy eater as the focus on healthy eating has shifted to everyday people. You have several options when you get fast food that can keep you eating in a healthy manner. Order a salad, but be sure to get the dressing on the side and use only as much as you need. Most fast food restaurants serve prepackaged dressings anyway, so it easy to use moderation. If there is a low fat or non fat option, take it. Don’t choose the fried chicken salads; they are just like ordering the chicken tenders! Instead, go for the grilled version. Many of the leading fast food restaurants have really perfected their salads and you are likely to find them quite tasty.
If you are not the salad type, opt for a grilled chicken or fish sandwich available at almost any fast food restaurant. If you have the option, choose a whole or multigrain bun or no bun at all, instead of a normal white bun. Go easy on the mayo, if you need any at all! Skip the fries, and substitute them with a fruit cup or soup. Many fast food restaurants have begun offering various alternatives to fries as a side dish. Replace that pie or ice cream with a yummy low fat parfait.
Even if you have picky eaters in your family, fast food kid’s meals offer healthy and nutritious alternatives to the classics as well. Many pair chicken nuggets, eaten in moderation, with apple slices and caramel with nonfat milk instead of soda. Many fast food restaurants even offer fresh fruit medleys as a side. If all else fails, pack your own apple or orange and eat it with the main dish the restaurant serves. Eat the animal crackers if available instead of the ice cream as they are generally lower in fat, calories and sugar.
Even if you have a busy life and occasionally rely on fast food restaurants for a quick meal for your family, you no longer have to suffer the consequences! Resisting temptation and choosing the nutritious alternatives are now easier than ever. Follow the above tips and even choose fast food restaurants that don’t carry the usual fries and burgers. There are many fast food restaurants that serve hearty meals, from a down home market to tasty and affordable Italian joints!

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