subota, 26. srpnja 2008.

Part One - Looking For The Best Way To Lose Weight?

There are a lot of different Ideas about the best way to lose weight. But simply the best idea of them all is diet and exercise and in that order. I know that's not what most of you want to hear but it's the truth If you want the best way to lose weight and keep it off, then getting into a regular diet and exercise program is the best way to do it.
When you first begin a diet and exercise plan the biggest mistake that most people make is they go full bore ahead into it. You have to start off slow and gradually build up to get the results you want to see. Because after all if you end up quitting right after you start you'll never get the results you're looking for. For example if you decide that he best way to lose weight. Is to start eating healthy, and you currently eat fast food 3-5 times a week then I wouldn't suggest completely cutting fast food out of your diet.
This is going to be very tough for your body to handle, and as crazy as it sounds your body will have withdrawal symptoms and cravings and eventually you will miss fast food so much you will give in one day and that may set you back into your old ways. The best way to go about it would be to tell yourself that no matter what you will not eat fast food more than 2-3 times a week. And stick to it, Gradually your body will adjust and you will be able maintain this until you are ready to make it 1 or 2 times a week. This way you can stick to eating better and it can can be maintained over a period of time and eventual become a lifestyle and not a diet for say.

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