subota, 26. srpnja 2008.

Organic Food Is A Critical Decision

Food is the basic thing that consumed by the people. We get from it essential materials, such as: carbohydrates, proteins, minerals.
The food is existential need but the question is what we put into our body and what don't?
The types of the food that we eat are produced from agriculture of gardening, from agriculture animals and from maritime agriculture. Agriculture of gardening yields: Fruits, vegetables, legumes and grains. Agriculture animals yield: Meat, chicken, milk and eggs. Maritime agriculture: Fish.
When we buy food we need to pay careful attention about the nutritive composition. If it's says that it's healthy in the headline, it doesn't mean that it is really healthy.
Try to avoid food with food coloring, additives and any unnatural materials. Please don't drink any sweetened drinks, such as: cola, raspberry and much more...
When your kids want to eat something sweet, please do not give those sweets or any artificial food. Instead of it, please give them fruits, dry fruits or any organic sweets.
There is a saying that says: "you are what you eat"...
The fast food is good solution for the long term because it is easy, fast and cheap but in the long term you kill all your good microbes.
When you make your food by yourself, all your family sits together and you can find another good aspect when eating organic food.
This is your body and this is your health, so to your decisions there is direct influence on your body and this is the reason why you need to pay careful attention about what you eat.

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