srijeda, 30. srpnja 2008.

Italian Culinary Arts Are Becoming More And More Recognized As One Of The World's Leading Cuisine

Until recently the food that most people thought of when they were talking about high class food was French. This is easy to understand because French food can be very technical and complicated. The dining in French restaurants also tends to be more formal. But the Italian culinary arts are becoming more and more recognized as one of the worlds leading cuisines. Of course the staples of the Italian menu such as pizza and pasta have always been very popular, but they were generally thought of as not of the same quality as French cookery.
This is mostly because the emphasis was more on the technical aspects of the cookery and the refinement of flavor that the French food had, as opposed to other cuisines. After all even the word cuisine is, as is much of the generally used language of the culinary arts, French.
But these days, rather than valuing the technical skill of the chef and the complexity of the food, many food writers are reflecting the trend in society for simplicity, both of taste and preparation. This is reflected in the upsurge of interest in Italian cooking. Italian food is not generally complicated. It also does not have the separation in what is considered to be good cuisine for the masses and for the better off.
This is because the essence of the food is that the food should being made from fresh ingredients that are prepared well served with the minimum of fuss. This easy attitude to food, that it should be made from there finest ingredients that have only been prepared with the least cooking possible, means that the food is always good and although not complicated, it is as good as the finest French cuisine. They fact that it is easy to prepare does not detract from the quality. Rather it adds to it, as it means that really good food is accessible to everyone and you do not need a high degree of skill to prepare it. This is the basis of the Italian culinary arts.
If you follow the easiest Italian recipes and make sure that you use good ingredients, then you will be getting some of the best food around. If you have the money, then fine restaurants are great. But if you go to a good Italian diner that has a respect for the tradition of its food and the freshness of the ingredients and you will get as good a meal as you will ever have.

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